Book Link: Never Let Me Go
Part 1
Chapter 1
- Kathy works as a caregiver about to complete 12 years then resign
- From Hailsham (School/Orphanage)
- Takes care of donors. Sometimes gets to choose the donor
- Gets Ruth and Tommy (old friends) as donors
- Thinks about the time at school when Tommy was bullied (football)
- Kathy and friends watched the incident from their pavilion window
- Once the boys leave Tommy throws a angry tantrum
- On the way to their room Kathy speaks with Tommy and pacifies him
Chapter 2
- Kathy talks with Ruth about the past after her first donation
- Informs us about “Exchanges” that are held 4 times a year
- Students made things and sold it at Exchanges for Tokens
- Tokens are used to buy items from other students
- Kathy asks Ruth wasn’t it strange what we sold when kids
- Kathy tries to remember when the ordeal with Tommy started
- Elephant painting that guardian (teacher) taught had deeper meaning
- Tommy gets angry easily which kids use to bully and tease him
- Eventually the bullying stopped when Tommy learns to control anger
- Kathy tries to understand from Tommy why the sudden change
Chapter 3
- Tommy tells Kathy Ms. Clare told him its okay if he cant produce good art
- Tommy was surprised as Ms. Clare was shaking with anger when speaking
- Ms. Clare tells Tommy that there are a lot of things that they are not taught
- Kathy thinks of incidents with Ms. Clare from the past that felt out of place
- (Kathy thinks about the Madame). Madame comes and takes the best art
- The art is taken to the Gallery. No one had seen the gallery
- Cannot ask questions about the Gallery
- Everyone is scared of the Madame as she seems proud and scary
- (Madame is an outsider. Hailsham is surrounded by fields)
- (Vans and lorries bring supplies from the outside. No contact with outside)
- Ruth believes that the Madame is scared of them. They test theory
- They realize that Madame is in fact scared of them. Don’t know why
Chapter 4
- Kathy talks about the token controversy
- Students wants tokens for the items that were taken by the Madame
- Ms. Emily (head guardian) said they would receive tokens but only a few
- Not everyone was happy with the idea.
- Remembers Ms. Clare asking them one reading day about the controversy
- Some one asks about the Gallery. Ms. Clare give a vague answer
- Informs that one day they would understand the importance of it
- Kathy then informs us about Sales which are used to buy thins from outside
- Sales occurred once a month. Tokens were used for purchases
- Everyone highly respects Ms. Emily. Also scared of her reprimands
- Thinks about when she meet Ruth for the first time
- Talks about playing horse riding with her. Made Ms. Geraldine’s secret guard
Chapter 5
- Kathy talks about the secret guard group that was formed by Ruth
- It was all an fantasy that was created by Ruth
- Their goal was to find people trying to kidnap Ms. Geraldine
- Never did anything about people they suspected as being spies
- Kathy brings up the chess controversy were Ruth says she knows chess
- When Kathy asked Ruth to teach her she realized she did not know chess
- Kathy then discusses the pencil box incident
- Ruth implied that it was a gift from Ms. Geraldine
- Kathy figures out later that its an lie (Tell Ruth she checked Sale register)
Chapter 6
- Kathy feels really bad about hurting Ruth’s feeling
- Kathy tries to find ways to cheer Ruth up. Eventually does art at class
- Student asks Ruth were the pencil box was from and Kathy said its a secret
- Ruth looks for ways to pay Kathy back for the favor
- Kathy talks about Norfolk and how Ms. Emily did not have any images for it
- Joke of them considering it the Lost Corner of England
- Talks about her favorite song “Never Let Me Go”. Singer smoking on cover
- Talks about the cigarette incident. Student asking Ms. Lucy about smoking
- Ms. Lucy says she smoked when young but its more dangerous for them
- How Kathy imagined that the song was about the singer protecting her baby
- Madame sees Kathy dancing using pillow as baby. Starts sobbing
- We are informed that the students at Hailsham are unable to have children
- Kathy looses the disk. Informs us a lot of thieving used to occur at Hailsham
- Ruth uses this opportunity to get even with Kathy. Gets her a random disk
- Kathy is happy about the gesture. Informs us that Ruth is gone
Chapter 7
- Ms. Lucy not like other guardians. Its about oddities at Hailsham
- Informs them that their life’s have been predetermined for them
- Tells that that they have been told and not told about things on purpose
- Kathy and Tommy discuss about this how they always mask information
Chapter 8
- Kathy talks about her playing a secret game
- Imagines that she is living in a large house with only a few kids
- Hears hissing sound coming from Room 22. Finds Ms. Lucy in room
- Goes near her notices that she is scribbling on paper (cause of noise)
- Incident with Tommy and Ms. Lucy (discovers about it later)
- Tommy’s mood changed and looked sad and hurt all the time
- Calendar incident with Tommy (Patricia good at draw)
- Tommy and Ruth were a couple and had broken during the same time
- Kathy talks about trying to have sex with Harry (just to experience it)
Chapter 9
- Cause of break-up Kathy does not go through with it
- Others suggest Kathy should get together with Tommy
- Talks about Walkman’s arriving at Hailsham and they would share it
- Ruth asks Kathy to speak with Tommy so that they could get back together
- Ruth believes that Tommy will listen to Tommy no matter what happens
- Ruth and Tommy get back together
- Tommy tells Kathy about his interaction with Ms. Lucy
- Ms. Lucy tells Tommy to forget everything she said and to focus on art
- In passing tells Tommy that art is used as evidence
- Next day students are informed that Ms. Lucy is leaving Hailsham
Part 2
Part 10
- After Hailsham 8 of the kids where sent to Cottages. Other different places
- Cottages where remains of farms and was converted to living spaces
- The kids were tasked to various tasks to keep the Cottages in shape
- Did not have any fixed schedule and activities like Hailsham
- The older students (veterans) at Cottage would travel away for a few days
- The new commers were not allowed to go far from the Cottage
- Soon realize that things are done differently
- Couples don’t go around showing their affection in public
- Kathy understands that the veterans copy their behavior from TV
- Kathy was reading a book under a tree. Ruth comes and tries to spoil book
- Ruth does that to other students as well to show that she has already read it
- Ruth would often make up white lies in front of the veterans to look smart
- Ruth and Kathy have a fit. Kathy walks away
- Ruth tells Kathy that she wasn’t been slow knowing some of the veterans
Part 11
- Early days at Cottage was strange. Kathy and Ruth always fighting
- At night they would confide in each other about what they were experiencing
- Kathy had multiple one-night stands at Cottage
- Kathy wasn’t planning for it to occur that way
- Kathy confided in Ruth about her urge to always touch herself
- Kathy expected these conversations to be secret
- Ruth bringing up the one-night stands made Kathy angry
- Veterans would go out on “courses” that had to do with their future careers
- Talks about the porno mags that were found at the cottages
- Keffers confiscated all the magazines to destroy but leaves it behind
- Kathy takes them and goes in boiler barn to look at them
- Tommy joins Kathy and asks why she is looking at the magazines
- Kathy says she is trying to please herself. Tommy says she is lying
- Tommy says her has a sad expression when looking at the mags.
- Tommy asks for reason. Kathy checks all of them and leaves the barn
Part 12
- Kathy tells us about “possible”. The person from whom they are clones
- One of the veteran couple claimed to have seen Ruth’s possible
- They did not know much about possible that that they were based on them
- Ruth wants to meet her possible who is an office employee
- Kathy is skeptical about this as Ruth had said before this is her dream future
- Chrissie was star struck with Hailsham and wanted to know more about them
- Chrissie, Rodney along with Tommy, Kathy and Ruth went to Norfolk
Part 13
- They go on the trip. During trip Ruth talks non-stop with the veterans
- They stop at a cafe for food. Veterans bring up deferrals
- Something only Hailsham students can request. Defers donations.
- If two students can prove they are really in love they can ask for deferral
- Kathy realizes this was the real reason for the trip
- Tommy says they do not know much anything about these deferrals
- Ruth says they could get going on finding her possible
Part 14
- They stop at a shop to buy birthday cards in bulk
- Kathy finds Chrissie talking with Ruth about the deferral
- They get angry when they realize Kathy as seen them
- Rodney takes them down multiple wrong roads
- Eventually they find the office. And Rodney shows them the possible
- They all agree that the possible does look a lot like Ruth
- People from office notice then staring they walk away and wait in a alley
- See the possible walk out from the office. They trail her to a art shop
- The possible speaks with the owner
- They overhear the conversation and are shocked
- The possible leaves. The owner speaks with them about art
- Everyone walks out in a sullen mood. The veteran’s try to cheer Ruth
- Ruth finally says that allow of them are modelled after trash
- To lighten the mood the veterans say they should visit one of their friends
- Kathy says she will not join them as the friend they shouldn’t meet carers
- Tommy stays back with Kathy
Part 15
- Kathy and Tommy start walking down the street
- Tommy tells Kathy that he wanted to buy her a gift at the shop
- Tommy says he does not know how to find it and needs her help
- Tells Kathy he was looking for the tape that had gone missing at Hailsham
- They find a 2ns hand store that sells the tape. Tommy buys it for Kathy
- They walk but a hill and Tommy bring up the deferrals
- He says he has a theory as to why the Madame would collect the best art
- Informs Ms. Emily had also let slip about it been used to look at their soul
- Says he thinks its used to judge their souls to see if they are actually in love
- Says that he thinks that is why Ms. Lucy told him she was wrong
- Kathy thinks about the incident with Madame (listening to music)
- Thinks Madame would have taught she was dancing with a lover (pillow)
- They walk back down to their car. Tommy asks Kathy about the porno mags
- Asks if she thinks her possible is a adult star and was searching for her
- Kathy tells him about how she fills like having sex all the time
- Tommy tells him its okay and he feels the same sometimes and its natural
- Ruth and the veterans return. Ruth seems to be in a happy mood
- Ruth tries to make up with them by nonstop talking with them
Part 16
- After reaching the Cottages none of them discussed about the trip
- One day Tommy shows Kathy the animals that he has drawing
- Kathy likes them and says to continue drawing them
- More and more veterans leave to start with their training courses
- Kathy and Ruth continue their nightly discussions
- Ruth finds the tape. Kathy explain how she found it
- Laughs at Tommy and its animal drawings
- Finds Ruth and Tommy talking behind a abandoned church
- Ruth says Tommy was telling her about the Gallery theory
- Ruth tells Tommy they think that his drawings are not good
- Kathy does not say anything and walks off
Part 17
- After the event at the church there was rift between them all
- Kathy asks Ruth to go on a walk with her. They rest at a abandoned bus stop
- Kathy tells Ruth that they should discuss about what happened
- Ruth agrees with everything Kathy says and that he reconciled with Tommy
- Ruth tells Kathy that she is not sure if they would last as a couple forever
- Tells Kathy at Tommy is not romantically interested in her
- They discuss about a incident that occurred at Hailsham
- Ruth pretends to not remember the event. Kathy is angry
- Kathy makes up her mind to become a carer
- Speaks with Keffers and starts the process. Tries to avoid Tommy and Ruth
- Eventually leaves the Cottages
Part 3
Part 18
- Kathy talks about her life as an carer
- Runs into Laura (Hailsham) at a car park. Talks about their life’s
- Laura brings up Ruth. Asks Kathy why she was not her carer
- Talks about Hailsham about to shut down
- Kathy decides to become Ruth’s carer
- Talk with each other but have repressed emotions
- Ruth brings up a beached boat. Kathy brings up Tommy
- Tommy in a care center near the boat. They decide to meet Tommy
Part 19
- They go to meet Tommy. Tommy hugs Kathy on meeting her
- In the car Ruth has a smile on her face and constantly looks at Tommy
- They eventually reach the woods with the boat
- They have to walk for a while (Tommy and Kathy notice Ruth is very weak)
- They reach the boat that is in a swap land. They take in the view
- They walk about some of their friends and what happened to them
- They make the way to their car. On the way back Kathy show Ruth a poster
- The poster is of an office. Kathy talks about their Norfolk trip
- Tommy and Kathy tell Ruth that she could have tried to work at office
- Ruth turns to Kathy suddenly and tells her she is sorry
- Tells her it should have been her and Tommy all along
- Had Tommy a piece of paper with the Madame’s address to ask for deferral
- They leave Tommy at his center and head back to Dover
- At Dover Ruth constantly tells Kathy to becomes Tommy’s donor
- Ruth has her 2nd donation and does not make it through
Part 20
- Kathy becomes Tommy’s carer after this 3rd donation
- Tommy is moved to a new large private room
- Kathy and Tommy start having sex with each other
- Start’s working on his sketches once again
- Kathy goes to the address given by Ruth and finds the Madame
- They decide they will go and talk to her to see what will happen
Part 21
- Kathy and Tommy head out to meet Madame
- They reach the town find Madame walking towards her house
- Follows her home. Calls out and tells them who they are
- Madame lets them in and tells them to wait on main room
- Madame speaks with someone on the top floor and comes back
- Asks them what have they come. Kathy and Tommy answer
- Madame asks questions Kathy senses is for someone else behind her
- Ms. Emily is rolled in on a wheelchair
- Madame (Marie-Claude) tells Ms. Emily have come to speak with you
Part 22
- Ms. Emily tells them that there is no deferrals and that its just a rumor
- She explains to them about the scandal that got Hailsham closed
- An scientist was working on creating clones that superhuman abilities
- This did not sit well with the normal humans
- Informs Hailsham was created to raise clones in a pleasant environment
- Tells them that the gallery was used to hold events
- The events were used to show to the world that clones had souls
- Tells Ms. Lucy was let gone because she had a different view than them
- She wanted all the clones to know about their true purpose in life
- Movers come to move some furniture’s, Ms. Emily follows in an a car
- Madame and Kathy talk about the “Never Let Me Go” song incident
- On the way back Tommy says he feels that Ms. Lucy was the correct one
- Has a burst of rage along the way but calms done
Part 23
- Tommy soon starts to behave differently
- He starts to empathize more with the non-Hailsham donors
- Tommy gets notice for this fourth donation
- Tells Kathy that he does not want her to with his carer anymore
- Informs he does not want her to she him suffer during his last donation
- Tommy had his donation and eventually completes
- Kathy goes for a trip to Norfolk and finds Hailsham
- Reminisces about their life at Hailsham
- Images that she will find everything she lost there as its Norfolk